Assessing and Exploiting
Control Protocols
Module Outline:
Examples when to use
Overview of methodology
Traffic Capture
Communication mediums vs communication protocols
Serial communications like RS-232, TIA-422, and TIA-485
Fieldbus Protocols and Protocol Families
Understanding USB and serial interfaces on Windows
Methods to capture serial traffic in Windows and Linux
Exercise: Capturing serial traffic
Exercise: Manual decode of Modbus RTU
Understanding the common 1-off address issue of ICS protocols
Exercise: Using Wireshark to decode Modbus RTU
Protocol Enumeration
The severe lack of availability of ICS protocol tools
Repurposing an engineer's troubleshooting tools
Exercise: Using Python to interact with Modbus RTU on our PLC
Exercise: Enumeration with ctmodbus on our PLC
Understanding data types and 2's complement
Protocol Fuzzing
Reasons to avoid fuzzing protocols on embedded devices
Exercise: Writing protocol fuzzers with boofuzz
Exercise: Fuzzing Modbus TCP on our PLC
Exercise: Manual fuzzing with ctmodbus
Protocol Exploitation
ControlThings Platform Virtual Machine
Velocio ACE 1600 PLC
(We'll be communicating with it using Modbus RTU and capturing that communications on the serial-over-USB bus)